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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR10 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR10 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
r21_g cepheid, rrlyrae GAIADR1 Fourier decomposition parameter r21G: A2/A1 (for G band) float 8     stat.Fourier
r21_g_error cepheid, rrlyrae GAIADR1 Uncertainty on Fourier decomposition parameter r21G float 8     stat.error
r_2mass allwise_sc2 WISE Distance separating the positions of the WISE source and associated 2MASS PSC source within 3". This column is "null" if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source. float 8 arcsec    
r_3sig twomass_xsc 2MASS 3-sigma K isophotal semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   ERROR
R_D mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Exponential Disk Scale Length real 4   99.99  
R_D_KPC mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Exponential Disk Scale Length real 4 kpc 99.99  
R_Dm mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Exponential Disk Scale Length error (-) real 4   99.99  
R_Dp mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Exponential Disk Scale Length error (+) real 4   99.99  
r_ext twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS extrapolation/total radius real 4 arcsec    
r_ext twomass_xsc 2MASS extrapolation/total radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K fiducial Kron circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K fiducial Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_j21fc twomass_xsc 2MASS 21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial circular ap. radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_j21fe twomass_xsc 2MASS 21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_k20fc twomass_xsc 2MASS 20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial circular ap. radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
r_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS 20mag/sq.″ isophotal K fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis real 4 arcsec    
r_k20fe twomass_xsc 2MASS 20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
RA twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Corrected Right Ascension of the detection in degrees (J2000) after statistical correlation of the emldetect coordinates, RA_UNC and DEC_UNC, with the USNO B1.0 optical source catalogue using the SAS task eposcorr. In case where the cross-correlation is determined to be unreliable no correction is applied and this value is therefore the same as RA_UNC. float 8 degrees    
ra RequiredMosaic WSA Right Ascension of mosaic centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredMosaic WSACalib Right Ascension of mosaic centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredMosaic WSATransit Right Ascension of mosaic centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredMosaic WSAUHS Right Ascension of mosaic centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredStack WSA Right Ascension of stack centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredStack WSACalib Right Ascension of stack centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredStack WSATransit Right Ascension of stack centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra RequiredStack WSAUHS Right Ascension of stack centre float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, UKIDSSDetection WSA Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra allwise_sc2 WISE J2000 right ascension with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame from the non-moving source extraction. float 8 deg    
ra aux_qso_icrf2_match, gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra calDetection, calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
Celestial Right Ascension as computed in the processing pipeline, accurate to of order 0.1 arcsec.
Note that original catalogue data has only r*4 storage precision, accurate only to ≈ 50mas. RA and Dec in the database are derived more precisely from WCS in the header and x and y attributes.
ra calMergeLog, calSynopticMergeLog WSACalib Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra calVariability WSACalib Mean Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
ra dxsDetection, dxsSource, gcsDetection, gcsListRemeasurement, gcsSource, gcsSourceRemeasurement, gpsDetection, gpsListRemeasurement, gpsSource, gpsSourceRemeasurement, lasDetection, lasListRemeasurement, lasSource, lasSourceRemeasurement, udsDetection, udsSource WSA Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
Celestial Right Ascension as computed in the processing pipeline, accurate to of order 0.1 arcsec.
Note that original catalogue data has only r*4 storage precision, accurate only to ≈ 50mas. RA and Dec in the database are derived more precisely from WCS in the header and x and y attributes.
ra dxsJKmergeLog, dxsMergeLog, gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog, lasMergeLog, lasYJHKmergeLog, udsMergeLog WSA Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra dxsOrphan, udsOrphan WSA Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra dxsVariability, udsVariability WSA Mean Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
ra first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST J2000 Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca, glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Right Ascension (J2000) float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Right Ascension in the ICRS at epoch 1991.25 float 8 degrees   meta.main;pos.eq.ra
ra igsl_source GAIADR1 Celestial Right Ascension at catalogue epoch float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra iras_psc IRAS J2000 Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra mgcDetection MGC Object right ascension (J2000) float 8 deg    
ra nvssSource NVSS J2000 Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra ptsDetection WSATransit Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
Celestial Right Ascension as computed in the processing pipeline, accurate to of order 0.1 arcsec.
Note that original catalogue data has only r*4 storage precision, accurate only to ≈ 50mas. RA and Dec in the database are derived more precisely from WCS in the header and x and y attributes.
ra rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT Right Ascension (decimal degrees; J2000) float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra twomass_psc 2MASS J2000 right ascension with respect to the ICRS float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra twomass_scn 2MASS Right ascension of scan center for equinox J2000. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) float 8 deg    
ra twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan center float 8 deg    
ra twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel float 8 deg    
ra twomass_xsc 2MASS Right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra tycho2 GAIADR1 Observed Tycho2 Right Ascension in ICRS float 8 degrees   meta.main;pos.eq.ra
ra uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll, uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Celestial Right Ascension float 8 Degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
Celestial Right Ascension as computed in the processing pipeline, accurate to of order 0.1 arcsec.
Note that original catalogue data has only r*4 storage precision, accurate only to ≈ 50mas. RA and Dec in the database are derived more precisely from WCS in the header and x and y attributes.
ra uhsMergeLog WSAUHS Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra ukirtFSstars WSA Right Ascension of star at Equinox J2000.0 float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra ukirtFSstars WSACalib Right Ascension of star at Equinox J2000.0 float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra ukirtFSstars WSAUHS Right Ascension of star at Equinox J2000.0 float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra_1 twomass_scn 2MASS J2000 right ascension of the eastern corner at start of scan. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra_1 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 1 float 8 deg    
ra_2 twomass_scn 2MASS J2000 right ascension of the western corner at start of scan. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra_2 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 2 float 8 deg    
ra_3 twomass_scn 2MASS J2000 right ascension of the eastern corner at end of scan. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra_3 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 3 float 8 deg    
ra_4 twomass_scn 2MASS J2000 right ascension of the western corner at end of scan. float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
ra_4 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 4 float 8 deg    
ra_dec_corr aux_qso_icrf2_match, gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Correlation between Right Ascension and Declination real 4     stat.correlation
ra_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Observed Tycho2 Right Ascension in ICRS float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra
ra_epoch igsl_source GAIADR1 Mean Epoch of Right Ascension real 4 years   time.epoch
ra_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca, glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Error in Right Ascension float 8 arcsec   ERROR
ra_error aux_qso_icrf2_match GAIADR1 Uncertainty on celestial Right Ascension float 8 milliarcseconds   stat.error;pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra_error gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Standard error of Right Ascension float 8 milliarcsec   stat.error;pos.eq.ra
ra_error igsl_source GAIADR1 Standard error of Right Ascension real 4 milliarcsec   stat.error;pos.eq.ra
ra_m_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Mean Right Ascension, ICRS, epoch = J2000 float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra
ra_parallax_corr gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Correlation between Right Ascension and parallax real 4     stat.correlation
ra_pm allwise_sc2 WISE Right ascension at epoch MJD=55400.0 (2010.5589) from the profile-fitting measurement model that includes motion. This column is null if the fit failed to converge or was not attempted. NOTE: This will be similar but not identical to the value of ra which is the measured right ascenscion of the source from the non-moving profile-fit. float 8 deg    
ra_pmdec_corr gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Correlation between Right Ascension and proper motion in Declination real 4     stat.correlation
ra_pmra_corr gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Correlation between Right Ascension and proper motion in Right Ascension real 4     stat.correlation
ra_rad hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Right Ascension in the ICRS at epoch 1991.25 float 8 radians   pos.eq.ra
RA_UNC twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Right Ascension of the source in degrees (J2000) as determined by the SAS task emldetect by fitting a detection simultaneously in all cameras and energy bands. float 8 degrees    
raB1950 mgcDetection MGC Object right ascension (B1950) float 8 deg    
raBase Multiframe WSA Right ascension of base position {image primary HDU keyword: RABASE} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raBase Multiframe WSACalib Right ascension of base position {image primary HDU keyword: RABASE} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raBase Multiframe WSATransit Right ascension of base position {image primary HDU keyword: RABASE} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raBase Multiframe WSAUHS Right ascension of base position {image primary HDU keyword: RABASE} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raCentre StdFieldInfo WSA Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
raCentre StdFieldInfo WSACalib Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
raCentre StdFieldInfo WSAUHS Right Ascension of field centre float 8 degrees   POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
RAD_20KPC20 mgcGalaxyStruct MGC 1kpc radius at object distance (h=1) real 4 arcsecs 0.000  
RADEC_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Statistical 1 σ error on the detection position in arcseconds. real 4 arcsec    
raDecSys Multiframe WSA Mean equator of co-ordinates {image primary HDU keyword: RADESYS} varchar 4   NONE phot.mag;stat.mean
raDecSys Multiframe WSACalib Mean equator of co-ordinates {image primary HDU keyword: RADESYS} varchar 4   NONE phot.mag;stat.mean
raDecSys Multiframe WSATransit Mean equator of co-ordinates {image primary HDU keyword: RADESYS} varchar 4   NONE phot.mag;stat.mean
raDecSys Multiframe WSAUHS Mean equator of co-ordinates {image primary HDU keyword: RADESYS} varchar 4   NONE phot.mag;stat.mean
radius1 iras_asc IRAS Radius Vector from IRAS Source to Association smallint 2 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
radShieldTemp Multiframe WSA Rad shield temperature {image primary HDU keyword: RS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
radShieldTemp Multiframe WSACalib Rad shield temperature {image primary HDU keyword: RS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
radShieldTemp Multiframe WSATransit Rad shield temperature {image primary HDU keyword: RS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
radShieldTemp Multiframe WSAUHS Rad shield temperature {image primary HDU keyword: RS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
raExtent RequiredMosaic WSA The angular extent in RA of the mosaic image real 4 degrees   ??
raExtent RequiredMosaic WSACalib The angular extent in RA of the mosaic image real 4 degrees   ??
raExtent RequiredMosaic WSATransit The angular extent in RA of the mosaic image real 4 degrees   ??
raExtent RequiredMosaic WSAUHS The angular extent in RA of the mosaic image real 4 degrees   ??
raMoon Multiframe WSA Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoon Multiframe WSACalib Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoon Multiframe WSATransit Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoon Multiframe WSAUHS Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoonTopo Multiframe WSA Apparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoonTopo Multiframe WSACalib Apparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoonTopo Multiframe WSATransit Apparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
raMoonTopo Multiframe WSAUHS Apparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
random_index gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Random index used to select subsets bigint 8     meta.code
range phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Difference between the highest and lowest magnitude of the G-band time series float 8 mag   phot.mag;arith.diff
raTelOff Multiframe WSA Right ascension telescope offset {image primary HDU keyword: TRAOFF} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
raTelOff Multiframe WSACalib Right ascension telescope offset {image primary HDU keyword: TRAOFF} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
raTelOff Multiframe WSATransit Right ascension telescope offset {image primary HDU keyword: TRAOFF} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
raTelOff Multiframe WSAUHS Right ascension telescope offset {image primary HDU keyword: TRAOFF} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
rchi2 allwise_sc2 WISE Combined reduced χ2 in all bands for the profile-fit photometry measurement. real 4      
rchi2_pm allwise_sc2 WISE Combined reduced χ2 in all bands for the profile-fit photometry measurement that includes source motion. This column is null if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. real 4      
rct1 rosat_fsc ROSAT number of nearby RASS detections with distances in range 0'-5' tinyint 1     ID_NUMBER
rct2 rosat_fsc ROSAT number of nearby RASS detections with distances in range 5'-10' tinyint 1     ID_NUMBER
rct3 rosat_fsc ROSAT number of nearby RASS detections with distances in range 10'-15' tinyint 1     ID_NUMBER
rd_flg twomass_psc 2MASS Read flag. varchar 3     CODE_MISC
rd_flg twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS source of JHK "default" mags (AKA "read flag") varchar 3      
RE_BULGE_KPC mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Bulge Effective Radius real 4 kpc 99.99  
readInterval Multiframe WSA Interval between reads {image primary HDU keyword: READINT} real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9 time.interval
readInterval Multiframe WSACalib Interval between reads {image primary HDU keyword: READINT} real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9 time.interval
readInterval Multiframe WSATransit Interval between reads {image primary HDU keyword: READINT} real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9 time.interval
readInterval Multiframe WSAUHS Interval between reads {image primary HDU keyword: READINT} real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9 time.interval
readMode MultiframeDetector WSA Name of camera readmode {image primary HDU keyword: READMODE} varchar 8   NONE ??
readMode MultiframeDetector WSACalib Name of camera readmode {image primary HDU keyword: READMODE} varchar 8   NONE ??
readMode MultiframeDetector WSATransit Name of camera readmode {image primary HDU keyword: READMODE} varchar 8   NONE ??
readMode MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Name of camera readmode {image primary HDU keyword: READMODE} varchar 8   NONE ??
readNoise MultiframeDetector WSA Readnoise estimate {image extension keyword: READNOIS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
readNoise MultiframeDetector WSACalib Readnoise estimate {image extension keyword: READNOIS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
readNoise MultiframeDetector WSATransit Readnoise estimate {image extension keyword: READNOIS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
readNoise MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Readnoise estimate {image extension keyword: READNOIS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
readOutApp MultiframeDetector WSA Name of camera readout application {image extension keyword: CAPPLICN} varchar 32   NONE ??
readOutApp MultiframeDetector WSACalib Name of camera readout application {image extension keyword: CAPPLICN} varchar 32   NONE ??
readOutApp MultiframeDetector WSATransit Name of camera readout application {image extension keyword: CAPPLICN} varchar 32   NONE ??
readOutApp MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Name of camera readout application {image extension keyword: CAPPLICN} varchar 32   NONE ??
recipe Multiframe WSA Data reduction recipe to be used {image primary HDU keyword: RECIPE} varchar 64   NONE meta.note
recipe Multiframe WSACalib Data reduction recipe to be used {image primary HDU keyword: RECIPE} varchar 64   NONE meta.note
recipe Multiframe WSATransit Data reduction recipe to be used {image primary HDU keyword: RECIPE} varchar 64   NONE meta.note
recipe Multiframe WSAUHS Data reduction recipe to be used {image primary HDU keyword: RECIPE} varchar 64   NONE meta.note
recNo iras_asc IRAS Record Number of source in data file int 4     RECORD
ref_epoch aux_qso_icrf2_match GAIADR1 Reference epoch float 8 Julian years   time.epoch
ref_epoch gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Reference epoch float 8 Julian years   meta.ref;time.epoch
REFCAT xmm3dr4 XMM An integer code reflecting the absolute astrometric reference catalogue which gave the statistically 'best' result for the field rectification process (from which the corrections are taken). It is 1 for the USNO B1.0 catalogue, 2 for 2MASS and 3 for SDSS (DR8). Where catcorr fails to produce a reliable solution, REFCAT is a negative number, indicating the cause of the failure. The failure codes are -1 = Too few matches (< 10), -2 = poor fit (goodness of fit parameter in catcorr < 5.0), -3 = error on the field positional rectification correction is > 0.75 arcseconds) smallint 2      
refDecShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSA Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: DECZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refDecShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSACalib Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: DECZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refDecShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSATransit Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: DECZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refDecShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSAUHS Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: DECZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
reference Programme WSA a reference for the programme, eg. "http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html" varchar 256     meta.bib
reference Programme WSACalib a reference for the programme, eg. "http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html" varchar 256     meta.bib
reference Programme WSATransit a reference for the programme, eg. "http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html" varchar 256     meta.bib
reference Programme WSAUHS a reference for the programme, eg. "http://www.ukidss.org/surveys/surveys.html" varchar 256     meta.bib
refRaShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSA Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: RAZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refRaShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSACalib Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: RAZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refRaShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSATransit Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: RAZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
refRaShift02 CurrentAstrometry WSAUHS Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: RAZP02} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
rejected_by_variability_processing phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 True when this FoV observation was excluded from the variability analysis bit 1     meta.code
rel allwise_sc2 WISE Small-separation, same-Tile (SSST) detection flag. Non-null values of this flag indicate that this Catalog/Reject Table entry is part of a group of detections with unphysically small separations that were extracted on the same Tile. SSST groups occurred when a faint, often spurious noise detection was shifted towards the position of a brighter nearby source during the chi-squared minimization profile-fit source extraction process. This resulted in two or more extractions on the same Tile that have nearly the same position and similar fluxes. SSST groups were identified and classified using the rel flag, and the classifications are used as part of Catalog source selection. varchar 1      
The possible values of the rel column are:
  • null - The extraction is not part of a SSST group, and is eligible for the AllWISE Catalog.
  • s - The extraction is part of an SSST group, and is the original, correct extraction that is eligible for the AllWISE Catalog.
  • c - The extraction is part of an SSST group amd is the original, correct extraction, but is inadvertantly flagged as a spurious artifact. It is eligible for inclusion in the AllWISE Catalog.
  • r - The extraction is part of an SSST group, but is the least reliable extraction in the group. It is not eligible for the Catalog. These are found only in the AllWISE Reject Table.
rel twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS Reliability flag (A-F), with A being the highest and F being lowest reliability varchar 1      
rel0 twomass_scn 2MASS Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS Sampler Release. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
rel1 twomass_scn 2MASS Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS First Incremental Data Release (IDR1). smallint 2     CODE_MISC
rel2 twomass_scn 2MASS Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS Second Incremental Data Release (IDR2). smallint 2     CODE_MISC
releaseDate Release WSA the release date datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
releaseDate Release WSACalib the release date datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
releaseDate Release WSATransit the release date datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
releaseDate Release WSAUHS the release date datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
releaseNum ProgrammeFrame WSA Release number of deep stack frame (or intermediate stack if used as a deep stack). {image primary HDU keyword: RELNUM} smallint 2   -9999  
releaseNum ProgrammeFrame WSACalib Release number of deep stack frame (or intermediate stack if used as a deep stack). {image primary HDU keyword: RELNUM} smallint 2   -9999  
releaseNum ProgrammeFrame WSATransit Release number of deep stack frame (or intermediate stack if used as a deep stack). {image primary HDU keyword: RELNUM} smallint 2   -9999  
releaseNum ProgrammeFrame WSAUHS Release number of deep stack frame (or intermediate stack if used as a deep stack). {image primary HDU keyword: RELNUM} smallint 2   -9999  
releaseNum Release WSA the release number smallint 2     meta.software
releaseNum Release WSACalib the release number smallint 2     meta.software
releaseNum Release WSATransit the release number smallint 2     meta.software
releaseNum Release WSAUHS the release number smallint 2     meta.software
relUnc_100 iras_psc IRAS percent relative 100 micron flux density uncertainties. smallint 2     ERROR
relUnc_12 iras_psc IRAS percent relative 12 micron flux density uncertainties. smallint 2     ERROR
relUnc_25 iras_psc IRAS percent relative 25 micron flux density uncertainties. smallint 2     ERROR
relUnc_60 iras_psc IRAS percent relative 60 micron flux density uncertainties. smallint 2     ERROR
remoteAgent Multiframe WSA Name of remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: RMTAGENT} varchar 64   NONE ??
remoteAgent Multiframe WSACalib Name of remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: RMTAGENT} varchar 64   NONE ??
remoteAgent Multiframe WSATransit Name of remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: RMTAGENT} varchar 64   NONE ??
remoteAgent Multiframe WSAUHS Name of remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: RMTAGENT} varchar 64   NONE ??
reqCloudMax Multiframe WSA requested maximum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMax Multiframe WSACalib requested maximum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMax Multiframe WSATransit requested maximum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMax Multiframe WSAUHS requested maximum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMin Multiframe WSA requested minimum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMin Multiframe WSACalib requested minimum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMin Multiframe WSATransit requested minimum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqCloudMin Multiframe WSAUHS requested minimum cloud coverage {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINCL} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMax Multiframe WSA requested maximum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMax Multiframe WSACalib requested maximum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMax Multiframe WSATransit requested maximum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMax Multiframe WSAUHS requested maximum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMin Multiframe WSA requested minimum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMin Multiframe WSACalib requested minimum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMin Multiframe WSATransit requested minimum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqJSkyMin Multiframe WSAUHS requested minimum J sky brightness {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINSB} float 8 mag/arcsec**2 -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMax Multiframe WSA requested maximum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMax Multiframe WSACalib requested maximum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMax Multiframe WSATransit requested maximum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMax Multiframe WSAUHS requested maximum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MAXMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMin Multiframe WSA requested minimum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMin Multiframe WSACalib requested minimum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMin Multiframe WSATransit requested minimum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqMoonMin Multiframe WSAUHS requested minimum illumination moon {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MINMN} float 8 percentage -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMax Multiframe WSA requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMax Multiframe WSACalib requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMax Multiframe WSATransit requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMax Multiframe WSAUHS requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMin Multiframe WSA requested minimum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMin Multiframe WSACalib requested minimum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMin Multiframe WSATransit requested minimum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqSeeingMin Multiframe WSAUHS requested minimum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNSEE} float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMax Multiframe WSA requested maximum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMax Multiframe WSACalib requested maximum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMax Multiframe WSATransit requested maximum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMax Multiframe WSAUHS requested maximum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MXTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMin Multiframe WSA requested minimum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMin Multiframe WSACalib requested minimum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMin Multiframe WSATransit requested minimum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
reqTauMin Multiframe WSAUHS requested minimum tau constraint {image primary HDU keyword: RQ_MNTAU} float 8   -0.9999995e9  
resFlux nvssSource NVSS Peak residual flux, in mJy/beam real 4 mJy   PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_MISC
resultsFile ArchiveCurationHistory WSA filename of any results file varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
resultsFile ArchiveCurationHistory WSACalib filename of any results file varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
resultsFile ArchiveCurationHistory WSATransit filename of any results file varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
resultsFile ArchiveCurationHistory WSAUHS filename of any results file varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
REVOLUT twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The XMM-Newton revolution number. varchar 4 orbit    
REVOLUT xmm3dr4 XMM The XMM-Newton revolution number. varchar 50 orbit    
rFlag rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT source counts and extraction radius recalculated varchar 1     CODE_MISC
rh twomass_scn 2MASS Relative humidity of telescope enclosure at beginning of scan. smallint 2 %   OBS_CONDITIONS
rh twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS relative humidity (%) at beginning of scan smallint 2 %    
RHALF mgcGalaxyStruct MGC GIM2D HLR real 4   99.99  
rho12 allwise_sc2 WISE The correlation coefficient between the W1 and W2 single-exposure flux measurements. The value is a signed 2-digit integer, expressed as a percentage. Negative values indicate anticorrelation. rho12 is approximately equal to 100 times the J variability index of Stetson (1996 PASP, 108, 851) computed for W1 and W2. int 4 percent    
rho23 allwise_sc2 WISE The correlation coefficient between the W2 and W3 single-exposure flux measurements. The value is a signed 2-digit integer, expressed as a percentage. Negative values indicate anticorrelation. rho23 is approximately equal to 100 times the J variability index of Stetson (1996 PASP, 108, 851) computed for W2 and W3. int 4 percent    
rho34 allwise_sc2 WISE The correlation coefficient between the W3 and W4 single-exposure flux measurements. The value is a signed 2-digit integer, expressed as a percentage. Negative values indicate anticorrelation. rho34 is approximately equal to 100 times the J variability index of Stetson (1996 PASP, 108, 851) computed for W3 and W4. int 4 percent    
rl rosat_fsc ROSAT reliability of source detection (0...99) tinyint 1     STAT_SIGNIFICANCE
rms first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST local noise estimate at the source position real 4 mJy   INST_NOISE
rolledBack ArchiveCurationHistory WSA Flag for roll-back of this event: 0=no, 1 = yes tinyint 1     ??
rolledBack ArchiveCurationHistory WSACalib Flag for roll-back of this event: 0=no, 1 = yes tinyint 1     ??
rolledBack ArchiveCurationHistory WSATransit Flag for roll-back of this event: 0=no, 1 = yes tinyint 1     ??
rolledBack ArchiveCurationHistory WSAUHS Flag for roll-back of this event: 0=no, 1 = yes tinyint 1     ??
rot_flag aux_qso_icrf2_match GAIADR1 Flag indicating how this source was used to fix the orientation of the reference frame of the Gaia DR1 solution int 4     meta.code
rp_mag_zero_oint_error ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 Uncertainty on RP magnitude zero point float 8 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp
rp_mag_zero_point ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 RP magnitude zero point float 8 mag   phot.mag;arith.zp
runID MultiframeDetector WSA Name of CASU raw data file {image extension keyword: RUNID} varchar 256   NONE meta.id;meta.file
runID MultiframeDetector WSACalib Name of CASU raw data file {image extension keyword: RUNID} varchar 256   NONE meta.id;meta.file
runID MultiframeDetector WSATransit Name of CASU raw data file {image extension keyword: RUNID} varchar 256   NONE meta.id;meta.file
runID MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Name of CASU raw data file {image extension keyword: RUNID} varchar 256   NONE meta.id;meta.file

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
