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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR7 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR7 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
var iras_psc IRAS percent Likelihood of Variability smallint 2     CODE_VARIAB
VAR_EXP_ID twoxmm XMM If the source is detected as variable (that is, if VAR_FLAG is set to True), the exposure ID ('S' or 'U' followed by a three-digit number) of the exposure with the smallest Chi² probability is given here. varchar 4      
VAR_FLAG twoxmm XMM The flag is set to True if this source was detected as variable (Chi² probability < 1E-5, see PN_CHI2PROB, M1_CHI2PROB, M2_CHI2PROB) in at least one exposure. varchar 5      
VAR_INST_ID twoxmm XMM If the source is detected as variable (that is, if VAR_FLAG is set to True), the instrument ID (PN, M1, M2) of the exposure given in VAR_EXP_ID is listed here. varchar 2      
variabilityTable Programme WSA Table name of merged variable sources varchar 64     ??
variabilityTable Programme WSACalib Table name of merged variable sources varchar 64     ??
variabilityTable Programme WSATransit Table name of merged variable sources varchar 64     ??
variableClass calVariability WSACalib Classification of objects across all bands. int 4   -99999999  
This gives an overall classification. Currently the weighted intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS (wsrms) is calculated across all bands, where the weighting is directly proportional to the number of good observations in each band, where any bands with <5 observations have w=0 and the band with the most observations has a weighting of 1. If wsrms>3, then variableClass=1 (i.e. the source is variable), else variableClass=0. In the future, the classification will take into account other statistics, such as correlations between bands and will also include motion and skew, and will not be limited to 0 or 1.
variableClass dxsVariability, udsVariability WSA Classification of objects across all bands. int 4   -99999999  
This gives an overall classification. Currently the weighted intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS (wsrms) is calculated across all bands, where the weighting is directly proportional to the number of good observations in each band, where any bands with <5 observations have w=0 and the band with the most observations has a weighting of 1. If wsrms>3, then variableClass=1 (i.e. the source is variable), else variableClass=0. In the future, the classification will take into account other statistics, such as correlations between bands and will also include motion and skew, and will not be limited to 0 or 1.
vc twomass_xsc 2MASS visual verification score for source. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
vegaToAB Filter WSA The constant to convert Vega magnitudes to AB magnitudes. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
vegaToAB Filter WSACalib The constant to convert Vega magnitudes to AB magnitudes. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
vegaToAB Filter WSATransit The constant to convert Vega magnitudes to AB magnitudes. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
versionNum Multiframe WSA a version number for this frame (if available) real 4   -0.9999995e9 VERSNUM
For deep stacks and mosaics produced in Edinburgh, (frameType=deep%stack, fileName=eYYYYMMDD_%) this refers to the database release number. For all other files, the versNum refers to the CASU pipeline version number.
versionNum Multiframe WSACalib a version number for this frame (if available) real 4   -0.9999995e9 VERSNUM
For deep stacks and mosaics produced in Edinburgh, (frameType=deep%stack, fileName=eYYYYMMDD_%) this refers to the database release number. For all other files, the versNum refers to the CASU pipeline version number.
versionNum Multiframe WSATransit a version number for this frame (if available) real 4   -0.9999995e9 VERSNUM
For deep stacks and mosaics produced in Edinburgh, (frameType=deep%stack, fileName=eYYYYMMDD_%) this refers to the database release number. For all other files, the versNum refers to the CASU pipeline version number.
versNum AstrCalVers WSACalib Version number of current astrometric solution int 4     ID_VERSION
versNum AstrCalVers WSATransit Version number of current astrometric solution int 4     ID_VERSION
versNum AstrCalVers, PreviousAstrometry WSA Version number of current astrometric solution int 4     ID_VERSION
versNum PhotCalVers WSACalib the version number of the calibration int 4     ID_VERSION
versNum PhotCalVers WSATransit the version number of the calibration int 4     ID_VERSION
versNum PhotCalVers, PreviousMFDZP WSA the version number of the calibration int 4     ID_VERSION
vFlag rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT variability flag varchar 1     CODE_MISC
vigF rosat_fsc ROSAT vignetting factor float 8     INST_CORR-FACTOR
vigf rosat_bsc ROSAT vignetting factor float 8     INST_CORR-FACTOR
vMag ukirtFSstars WSA V band total magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_INT-MAG
vMag ukirtFSstars WSACalib V band total magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_INT-MAG
vr_m_opt twomass_psc 2MASS Visual or red magnitude of the associated optical source. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE

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Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
Tel +44 131 668 8356 (office)
or +44 131 668 8100 (switchboard)
