TABLE  vvvPsfDaophotJKsSource

Contains merged sources from averaged Daophot J,Ks Psf detections.

PSF band merged catalogues created by Francisco Surot Madrid, using
ALLFRAME and DAOPHOT, and corrected for extinction using extinction values
from Gonzalez et al. (2012, 2017).
Prescription for the merging (from RequiredFilters) is: J, Ks

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (psfID)
  • (frameSetID) references vvvPsfDaophotJKsMergeLog(frameSetID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
psfIDbigint8 UID (unique over entire VSA via programme ID prefix) of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm;meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
frameSetID link to glossarybigint8 UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from
ra link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Right Ascension {catalogue TType keyword: RA} pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Declination {catalogue TType keyword: DEC} pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.HTM
lfloat8DegreesGalactic longitude {catalogue TType keyword: l} pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8DegreesGalactic latitude {catalogue TType keyword: b}
priOrSec link to glossarybigint8 Seam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) source (eg. flags overlap duplicates).-99999999meta.code
sharpreal4 Sharpness of the gaussian [-1,1] {catalogue TType keyword: sharp}
chireal4 Reduced chi squared of PSF fit. {catalogue TType keyword: chi}
repint4 Information value, detailing the number of detection instances the entry originates from (counting stacked pawprint tiles, and later tile combinations). May have values of 0 up to 12 {catalogue TType keyword: rep} meta.number
jmksPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour J-Ks (using PsfMag)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmksPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour J-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmksPntCor link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour J-Ks (using PsfMagCor)-0.9999995e9phot.color
eJKsreal4 The galactic dust extinction value measured from Gonzalez et al. (201?) to the. {catalogue TType keyword: ejk}
eJKsErrreal4 The error on the galactic dust extinction value measured from Gonzalez et al. (201?). {catalogue TType keyword: ejk_err}-0.9999995e9stat.error;
aJreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the J band for objects at the distance of the Galactic Centre {catalogue TType keyword: aj}
aKsreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Ks band for objects at the distance of the Galactic Centre {catalogue TType keyword: ak}
jPsfMagreal4magPSF magnitude in J band {catalogue TType keyword: J}-0.9999995e9instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.J;meta.main
jPsfMagCorreal4magReddening corrected PSF magnitude in J band (J_0) {catalogue TType keyword: cJ}-0.9999995e9phys.absorption;instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.J
jPsfMagErrreal4magError on PSF magnitude in J band {catalogue TType keyword: J_err}-0.9999995e9stat.error;instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.J
ksPsfMagreal4magPSF magnitude in Ks band {catalogue TType keyword: K}-0.9999995e9instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.K;meta.main
ksPsfMagCorreal4magReddening corrected PSF magnitude in Ks band (Ks_0) {catalogue TType keyword: cK}-0.9999995e9phys.absorption;instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksPsfMagErrreal4magError on PSF magnitude in Ks band {catalogue TType keyword: K_err}-0.9999995e9stat.error;instr.det.psf;phot.mag;em.IR.K
eJreal4 The fitted (4th-degree polynomial) adjusted Median Absolute Deviation (MAD; so that 1-MAD = 1-sigma in the traditional sense) per J bin of the simulations, of the Jin-Jout (Kin - Kout) difference {catalogue TType keyword: ej}-0.9999995e9 
eKsreal4 The fitted (4th-degree polynomial) adjusted Median Absolute Deviation (MAD; so that 1-MAD = 1-sigma in the traditional sense) per Ks bin of the simulations, of the Jin-Jout (Kin - Kout) difference {catalogue TType keyword: ek}-0.9999995e9 
pJKsreal4 The fraction of the number of "recovered" vs injected stars per (J-Ks) - Ks bin {catalogue TType keyword: p}-0.9999995e9 
Total length168