TABLE  vvvProperMotionCatalogue

Contains proper motions from VIRAC catalogue

Contains proper motions from VIRAC catalogue. This is described in Smith et al.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (viracID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
viracIDbigint8 unique source identifier from VIRAC catalogue. {catalogue TType keyword: sourceid};meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
fieldNamevarchar16 UID of the pointing that this object comes from
rafloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: ra}-999999500.0pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: de}-999999500.0pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.HTM
lfloat8DegreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8DegreesGalactic latitude
magreal4 Median of Ks band aperMag2 measurements from all epochs in the pawprint set {catalogue TType keyword: mag}-999999500.0 
emagreal4 Median absolute deviation of Ks band aperMag2 measurements from all epochs in the pawprint set {catalogue TType keyword: emag}-999999500.0 
ellreal4 Mean Ks band ellipticity across all observations of this source in every pawprint set. {catalogue TType keyword: ell}-999999500.0 
pmfloat8mas/yrTotal Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: pm}-999999500.0 
epmfloat8mas/yrError on total proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: epm}-999999500.0 
rapmfloat8mas/yrRA (cosDec) component of Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: rapm}-999999500.0 
erapmfloat8mas/yrError on RA (cosDec) component of proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: erapm}-999999500.0 
depmfloat8mas/yrDec component of Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: depm}-999999500.0 
edepmfloat8mas/yrError on Dec component of proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: edepm}-999999500.0 
epochsint4 the total number of epochs across all pawprint sets used by the VIRAC pipeline {catalogue TType keyword: epochs}-99999999 
detsint4 the number of separate pawprint sets/epoch groups (see pawprintdets) in which the source was detected. {catalogue TType keyword: dets}-99999999 
stellardetsint4 the number of pawprint sets in which the source had a stellar modal morphological classification. {catalogue TType keyword: stellardets}-99999999 
pawprintdetsint4 the number of separate pawprint sets in which a source was detected. Technically 'dets' can be greater than this value where e.g. a high proper motion or faint source is not matched between consecutive observing seasons. {catalogue TType keyword: pawprintdets}-99999999 
n_epmf_0int4 The number of pawprint sets with no error flags {catalogue TType keyword: n_epmf_0}-99999999 
n_epmf_1int4 The number of pawprint sets with median proper motion uncertainty at this magnitude >5 mas/yr {catalogue TType keyword: n_epmf_1}-99999999 
n_epmf_2int4 The number of pawprint sets with proper motion uncertainty for this source is significantly greater than normal for a source of its magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: n_epmf_2}-99999999 
n_epmf_3int4 The number of pawprint sets with both 1+2 {catalogue TType keyword: n_epmf_3}-99999999 
reliableint4 reliability flag, '1' indicates that this source is expected to be reliably measured. This is a combination of dets>=2, dets=pawprintdets, and no pm error flags in any pawprint sets (n_epmf_0=dets). {catalogue TType keyword: reliable}-99999999 
Zmeastinyint1 Is there a Z band measurment for this frame  
Zmagreal4magVVV DR4 Z photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Zmag}-999999500.0 
eZmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 Z photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eZmag}-999999500.0 
Zellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 Z detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Zell}-999999500.0 
Zclassint4 VVV DR4 Z morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Zclass}-99999999 
Zsepreal4arcsecSky distance between VVV DR4 Z detection and the projected source position at the Z observation epoch taking the pipeline proper motion into account. {catalogue TType keyword: Zsep}-999999500.0 
Ymeastinyint1 Is there a Y band measurment for this frame  
Ymagreal4magVVV DR4 Y photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Ymag}-999999500.0 
eYmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 Y photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eYmag}-999999500.0 
Yellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 Y detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Yell}-999999500.0 
Yclassint4 VVV DR4 Y morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Yclass}-99999999 
Ysepreal4arcsecSky distance between VVV DR4 Y detection and the projected source position at the Y observation epoch taking the pipeline proper motion into account. {catalogue TType keyword: Ysep}-999999500.0 
Jmeastinyint1 Is there a J band measurment for this frame  
Jmagreal4magVVV DR4 J photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Jmag}-999999500.0 
eJmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 J photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eJmag}-999999500.0 
Jellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 J detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Jell}-999999500.0 
Jclassint4 VVV DR4 J morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Jclass}-99999999 
Jsepreal4arcsecSky distance between VVV DR4 J detection and the projected source position at the J observation epoch taking the pipeline proper motion into account. {catalogue TType keyword: Jsep}-999999500.0 
Hmeastinyint1 Is there a Z band measurment for this frame  
Hmagreal4magVVV DR4 H photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Hmag}-999999500.0 
eHmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 H photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eHmag}-999999500.0 
Hellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 H detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Hell}-999999500.0 
Hclassint4 VVV DR4 H morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Hclass}-99999999 
Hsepreal4arcsecSky distance between VVV DR4 H detection and the projected source position at the H observation epoch taking the pipeline proper motion into account. {catalogue TType keyword: Hsep}-999999500.0 
Total length272