TABLE  vvvParallaxCatalogue

Contains proper motion and parallaxes from VIRAC catalogue

Contains proper motion and parallaxes from VIRAC catalogue for 7000
objects. This is described in Smith et al.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (viracID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
viracIDbigint8 unique source identifier in VIRAC catalogue. {catalogue TType keyword: sourceid};meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
rafloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: ra}-999999500.0pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: de}-999999500.0pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.HTM
lfloat8DegreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8DegreesGalactic latitude
magreal4 Median of Ks band aperMag2 measurements from all epochs in the pawprint set {catalogue TType keyword: mag}-999999500.0 
emagreal4 Median absolute deviation of Ks band aperMag2 measurements from all epochs in the pawprint set {catalogue TType keyword: emag}-999999500.0 
ellreal4 Mean Ks band ellipticity across all observations of this source in every pawprint set. {catalogue TType keyword: ell}-999999500.0 
pmfloat8mas/yrTotal Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: pm}-999999500.0 
epmfloat8mas/yrError on total proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: epm}-999999500.0 
rapmfloat8mas/yrRA (cosDec) component of Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: rapm}-999999500.0 
erapmfloat8mas/yrError on RA (cosDec) component of proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: erapm}-999999500.0 
depmfloat8mas/yrDec component of Proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: depm}-999999500.0 
edepmfloat8mas/yrError on Dec component of proper motion {catalogue TType keyword: edepm}-999999500.0 
plxfloat8masParallax. These are inverse variance weighted averages across their measured values in both equatorial tangent plane dimensions and from all pawprint sets. {catalogue TType keyword: plx}-999999500.0 
eplxfloat8masError on parallax. These are inverse variance weighted averages across their measured values in both equatorial tangent plane dimensions and from all pawprint sets. {catalogue TType keyword: eplx}-999999500.0 
epochsint4 the total number of epochs across all pawprint sets used by the VIRAC pipeline {catalogue TType keyword: epochs}-99999999 
detsint4 the number of separate pawprint sets/epoch groups (see pawprintdets) in which the source was detected. {catalogue TType keyword: dets}-99999999 
stellardetsint4 the number of pawprint sets in which the source had a stellar modal morphological classification. {catalogue TType keyword: stellardets}-99999999 
pawprintdetsint4 the number of separate pawprint sets in which a source was detected. Technically 'dets' can be greater than this value where e.g. a high proper motion or faint source is not matched between consecutive observing seasons. {catalogue TType keyword: pawprintdets}-99999999 
Zmagreal4magVVV DR4 Z photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Zmag}-999999500.0 
eZmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 Z photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eZmag}-999999500.0 
Zellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 Z detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Zell}-999999500.0 
Zclassint4 VVV DR4 Z morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Zclass}-99999999 
Ymagreal4magVVV DR4 Y photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Ymag}-999999500.0 
eYmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 Y photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eYmag}-999999500.0 
Yellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 Y detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Yell}-999999500.0 
Yclassint4 VVV DR4 Y morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Yclass}-99999999 
Jmagreal4magVVV DR4 J photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Jmag}-999999500.0 
eJmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 J photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eJmag}-999999500.0 
Jellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 J detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Jell}-999999500.0 
Jclassint4 VVV DR4 J morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Jclass}-99999999 
Hmagreal4magVVV DR4 H photometry {catalogue TType keyword: Hmag}-999999500.0 
eHmagreal4magError on VVV DR4 H photometry. {catalogue TType keyword: eHmag}-999999500.0 
Hellreal4 Ellipticity of the DR4 H detection. {catalogue TType keyword: Hell}-999999500.0 
Hclassint4 VVV DR4 H morphological classification. 1 = galaxy,0 = noise,-1 = stellar,-2 = probably stellar,-3 = probable galaxy,-7 = bad pixel within 2" aperture,-9 = saturated {catalogue TType keyword: Hclass}-99999999 
Total length232