TABLE  vikingSource

Contains merged sources from detections in vikingDetection.

Prescription for the merging (from RequiredFilters) is: Z, Y, J, H, Ks

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (sourceID)
  • (frameSetID) references vikingMergeLog(frameSetID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
sourceIDbigint8 UID (unique over entire VSA via programme ID prefix) of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm;meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
frameSetID link to glossarybigint8 UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from meta.bib
ra link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Right Ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos
lfloat8DegreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8DegreesGalactic latitude
lambdafloat8DegreesSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1 pos
etafloat8DegreesSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 pos
priOrSec link to glossarybigint8 Seam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) source (eg. flags overlap duplicates).-99999999meta.code
zmyPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour Z-Y (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.opt.I;em.IR.NIR
zmyPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour Z-Y-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour Y-J (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.NIR;em.IR.J
ymjPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour J-H (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H
jmhPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour H-Ks (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K
hmksPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
zmyExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour Z-Y (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.opt.I;em.IR.NIR
zmyExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour Z-Y-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour Y-J (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.NIR;em.IR.J
ymjExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour J-H (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.H
jmhExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour H-Ks (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K
hmksExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
mergedClassStat link to glossaryreal4 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic-0.9999995e9stat
mergedClass link to glossarysmallint2 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) meta.code
pStar link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is a star stat
pGalaxy link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is a galaxy stat
pNoise link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is noise stat
pSaturated link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is saturated stat
eBVreal4 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1)
aZreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Z band for extragalactic
aYreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Y band for extragalactic
aJreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the J band for extragalactic
aHreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the H band for extragalactic
aKsreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Ks band for extragalactic
zPetroMagreal4magExtended source Z mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Z mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
zPsfMagreal4magPoint source profile-fitted Z mag-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zPsfMagErrreal4magError in point source profile-fitted Z mag-0.9999995e9stat.error
zSerMag2Dreal4magExtended source Z mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zSerMag2DErrreal4magError in extended source Z mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9stat.error
zAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Z aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Z mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
zAperMag4real4magPoint source Z aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Z mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
zAperMag6real4magPoint source Z aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Z mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
zAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Z aperture mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Z aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Z aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.opt.I
zHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Z band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
zGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Z-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
zEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Z-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
zPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Z-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
zErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Z-99999999meta.code
zAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Z-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
zClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Z-9999src.class
zClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Z-0.9999995e9stat
zppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Z0meta.code
zSeqNumint4 the running number of the Z detection-99999999meta.number
zXi link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Z detection from master position (+east/-west)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
zEta link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Z detection from master position (+north/-south)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;arith.diff
yPetroMagreal4magExtended source Y mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Y mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yPsfMagreal4magPoint source profile-fitted Y mag-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yPsfMagErrreal4magError in point source profile-fitted Y mag-0.9999995e9stat.error
ySerMag2Dreal4magExtended source Y mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
ySerMag2DErrreal4magError in extended source Y mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Y aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Y mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMag4real4magPoint source Y aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Y mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMag6real4magPoint source Y aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Y mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Y aperture mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Y aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Y aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.NIR
yHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Y band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
yGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Y-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
yEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Y-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
yPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Y-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
yErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Y-99999999meta.code
yAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Y-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
yClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Y-9999src.class
yClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Y-0.9999995e9stat
yppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Y0meta.code
ySeqNumint4 the running number of the Y detection-99999999meta.number
yXi link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Y detection from master position (+east/-west)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
yEta link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Y detection from master position (+north/-south)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;arith.diff
jPetroMagreal4magExtended source J mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source J mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jPsfMagreal4magPoint source profile-fitted J mag-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jPsfMagErrreal4magError in point source profile-fitted J mag-0.9999995e9stat.error
jSerMag2Dreal4magExtended source J mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jSerMag2DErrreal4magError in extended source J mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source J mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMag4real4magPoint source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMag6real4magPoint source J aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source J mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source J aperture mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source J aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source J aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.J
jHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in J band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
jGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in J-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
jEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
jPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in J-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
jErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in J-99999999meta.code
jAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) J-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
jClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in J-9999src.class
jClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J-0.9999995e9stat
jppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J0meta.code
jSeqNumint4 the running number of the J detection-99999999meta.number
jXi link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of J detection from master position (+east/-west)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
jEta link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of J detection from master position (+north/-south)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;arith.diff
hPetroMagreal4magExtended source H mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source H mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hPsfMagreal4magPoint source profile-fitted H mag-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hPsfMagErrreal4magError in point source profile-fitted H mag-0.9999995e9stat.error
hSerMag2Dreal4magExtended source H mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hSerMag2DErrreal4magError in extended source H mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source H aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source H mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMag4real4magPoint source H aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source H mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMag6real4magPoint source H aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source H mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source H aperture mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source H aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source H aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.H
hHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in H band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
hGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in H-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
hEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in H-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
hPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in H-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
hErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in H-99999999meta.code
hAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) H-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
hClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in H-9999src.class
hClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in H-0.9999995e9stat
hppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in H0meta.code
hSeqNumint4 the running number of the H detection-99999999meta.number
hXi link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of H detection from master position (+east/-west)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
hEta link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of H detection from master position (+north/-south)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;arith.diff
ksPetroMagreal4magExtended source Ks mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Ks mag (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksPsfMagreal4magPoint source profile-fitted Ks mag-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksPsfMagErrreal4magError in point source profile-fitted Ks mag-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksSerMag2Dreal4magExtended source Ks mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksSerMag2DErrreal4magError in extended source Ks mag (profile-fitted)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Ks aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Ks mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMag4real4magPoint source Ks aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Ks mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMag6real4magPoint source Ks aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Ks mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Ks aperture mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Ks aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Ks aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag;em.IR.K
ksHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Ks band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
ksGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Ks-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
ksEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Ks-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
ksPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Ks-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
ksErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Ks-99999999meta.code
ksAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Ks-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
ksClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Ks-9999src.class
ksClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Ks-0.9999995e9stat
ksppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Ks0meta.code
ksSeqNumint4 the running number of the Ks detection-99999999meta.number
ksXi link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Ks detection from master position (+east/-west)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;arith.diff
ksEta link to glossaryreal4arcsecOffset of Ks detection from master position (+north/-south)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;arith.diff
Total length748