TABLE  ultravistaSourceRemeasurement

Contains source remeasurements for the matched-aperture product ultravistaDual.

This MAP product is a matched-aperture band-merged table consisting of
remeasuring the same positions in bands from ULTRAVISTA
using the ASTROMATIX SExtractor programme in dual-image mode, using the
DUAL IMAGE;Mosaics=[(VSA,160,0)];Master=ULTRAVISTA:Ks images as master images. The master image catalogue is stored
in MapApertureIDsultravistaDual.
Prescription for the merging (from RequiredFilters) is: Y, J, H, Ks, Nb118
Bandpass Y comes from measurements.
Bandpass J comes from measurements.
Bandpass H comes from measurements.
Bandpass KS comes from measurements.
Bandpass NB118 comes from measurements.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (remeasID)
  • (frameSetID) references ultravistaRemeasMergeLog(frameSetID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
remeasIDbigint8 UID of this source remeasurement meta_id;meta_main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
frameSetIDbigint8 UID of the set of frames that this remeasured source comes from meta.bib
apertureIDbigint8 UID of aperture meta_id
ra link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Right Ascension of aperture pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Declination of aperture pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of aperture pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of aperture pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of aperture pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index of aperture, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos
lfloat8DegreesGalactic longitude of aperture pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8DegreesGalactic latitude of aperture
lambdafloat8DegreesSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1 of aperture pos
etafloat8DegreesSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of aperture pos
raCen link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Right Ascension of centroid pos.eq.ra
decCen link to glossaryfloat8DegreesCelestial Declination of centroid pos.eq.dec
sigRaCenreal4DegreesUncertainty in RA of centroid-0.9999995e9stat.error;pos.eq.ra
sigDecCenreal4DegreesUncertainty in Dec of centroid-0.9999995e9stat.error;pos.eq.dec
priOrSec link to glossarybigint8 Seam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) source (eg. flags overlap duplicates).-99999999meta.code
ymjPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour Y-J (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour J-H (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksPnt link to glossaryreal4magPoint source colour H-Ks (using aperMag3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksPntErr link to glossaryreal4magError on point source colour H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour Y-J (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour J-H (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksExt link to glossaryreal4magExtended source colour H-Ks (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksExtErr link to glossaryreal4magError on extended source colour H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjPntLup link to glossaryreal4lupPoint source colour luptitude Y-J (using aperLup3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjPntLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on point source colour luptitude Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhPntLup link to glossaryreal4lupPoint source colour luptitude J-H (using aperLup3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhPntLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on point source colour luptitude J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksPntLup link to glossaryreal4lupPoint source colour luptitude H-Ks (using aperLup3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksPntLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on point source colour luptitude H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjExtLup link to glossaryreal4lupExtended source colour luptitudeY-J (using aperLupNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjExtLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on extended source colour luptitude Y-J-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhExtLup link to glossaryreal4lupExtended source colour luptitudeJ-H (using aperLupNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhExtLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on extended source colour luptitude J-H-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksExtLup link to glossaryreal4lupExtended source colour luptitudeH-Ks (using aperLupNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksExtLupErr link to glossaryreal4lupError on extended source colour luptitude H-Ks-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjPntJky link to glossaryreal4janskyPoint source colour calibrated flux J/Y (using aperJky3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjPntJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on point source colour calibrated flux J/Y-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhPntJky link to glossaryreal4janskyPoint source colour calibrated flux H/J (using aperJky3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhPntJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on point source colour calibrated flux H/J-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksPntJky link to glossaryreal4janskyPoint source colour calibrated flux Ks/H (using aperJky3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksPntJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on point source colour calibrated flux Ks/H-0.9999995e9stat.error
ymjExtJky link to glossaryreal4janskyExtended source colour calibrated flux J/Y (using aperJkyNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
ymjExtJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on extended source colour calibrated flux J/Y-0.9999995e9stat.error
jmhExtJky link to glossaryreal4janskyExtended source colour calibrated flux H/J (using aperJkyNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
jmhExtJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on extended source colour calibrated flux H/J-0.9999995e9stat.error
hmksExtJky link to glossaryreal4janskyExtended source colour calibrated flux Ks/H (using aperJkyNoAperCorr3)-0.9999995e9phot.color
hmksExtJkyErr link to glossaryreal4janskyError on extended source colour calibrated flux Ks/H-0.9999995e9stat.error
mergedClassStat link to glossaryreal4 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic-0.9999995e9stat
mergedClasssmallint2 Class flag based on remeasurement prescription meta.code
pStar link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is a star stat.probability
pGalaxy link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is a galaxy stat.probability
pNoise link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is noise stat.probability
pSaturated link to glossaryreal4 Probability that the source is saturated stat.probability
eBVreal4 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1)
aYreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Y band for extragalactic
aJreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the J band for extragalactic
aHreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the H band for extragalactic
aKsreal4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Ks band for extragalactic
aNb118real4magThe galactic extinction correction in the Nb118 band for extragalactic
yMjdfloat8daysModified Julian Day in Y band-0.9999995e9time.epoch
yPetroMagreal4magExtended source Y magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Y magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yPetroLupreal4lupExtended source Y luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yPetroLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Y luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yPetroJkyreal4janskyExtended source Y calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yPetroJkyErrreal4janskyError in extended source Y calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yKronMagreal4magExtended source Y magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yKronMagErrreal4magError in extended source Y magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yKronLupreal4lupExtended source Y luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yKronLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Y luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yKronJkyreal4janskyExtended source Y calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yKronJkyErrreal4janksyError in extended source Y calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
yHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Y band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
yAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Y aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperLupNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4lupDefault extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup3 tooltipreal4lupDefault point source Y aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup3Errreal4lupError in default point/extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperJkyNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault point source Y aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky3Errreal4janskyError in default point/extended source Y (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag4real4magPoint source Y aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperLupNoAperCorr4real4lupExtended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup4real4lupPoint source Y aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup4Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperJkyNoAperCorr4real4janskyExtended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky4real4janskyPoint source Y aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky4Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Y (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag6real4magPoint source Y aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
yAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperLupNoAperCorr6real4lupExtended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup6real4lupPoint source Y aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
yAperLup6Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
yAperJkyNoAperCorr6real4janskyExtended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky6real4janskyPoint source Y aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
yAperJky6Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Y (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
yGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Y-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
yEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Y-0.9999995e9src.ellipticty
yPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Y-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
yErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Y-99999999meta.code
yAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Y-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
yClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Y-9999src.class
yClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Y-0.9999995e9stat
yppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Y0meta.code
yIsMeastinyint1 Is pass band Y measured? 0 no, 1 yes0meta.code
jMjdfloat8daysModified Julian Day in J band-0.9999995e9time.epoch
jPetroMagreal4magExtended source J magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source J magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jPetroLupreal4lupExtended source J luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jPetroLupErrreal4lupError in extended source J luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jPetroJkyreal4janskyExtended source J calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jPetroJkyErrreal4janskyError in extended source J calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jKronMagreal4magExtended source J magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jKronMagErrreal4magError in extended source J magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jKronLupreal4lupExtended source J luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jKronLupErrreal4lupError in extended source J luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jKronJkyreal4janskyExtended source J calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jKronJkyErrreal4janksyError in extended source J calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
jHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in J band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
jAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source J aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperLupNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4lupDefault extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup3 tooltipreal4lupDefault point source J aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup3Errreal4lupError in default point/extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperJkyNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault point source J aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky3Errreal4janskyError in default point/extended source J (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag4real4magPoint source J aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperLupNoAperCorr4real4lupExtended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup4real4lupPoint source J aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup4Errreal4lupError in point/extended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperJkyNoAperCorr4real4janskyExtended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky4real4janskyPoint source J aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky4Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source J (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag6real4magPoint source J aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
jAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperLupNoAperCorr6real4lupExtended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup6real4lupPoint source J aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
jAperLup6Errreal4lupError in point/extended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
jAperJkyNoAperCorr6real4janskyExtended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky6real4janskyPoint source J aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
jAperJky6Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source J (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
jGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in J-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
jEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J-0.9999995e9src.ellipticty
jPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in J-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
jErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in J-99999999meta.code
jAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) J-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
jClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in J-9999src.class
jClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J-0.9999995e9stat
jppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J0meta.code
jIsMeastinyint1 Is pass band J measured? 0 no, 1 yes0meta.code
hMjdfloat8daysModified Julian Day in H band-0.9999995e9time.epoch
hPetroMagreal4magExtended source H magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source H magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hPetroLupreal4lupExtended source H luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hPetroLupErrreal4lupError in extended source H luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hPetroJkyreal4janskyExtended source H calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hPetroJkyErrreal4janskyError in extended source H calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hKronMagreal4magExtended source H magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hKronMagErrreal4magError in extended source H magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hKronLupreal4lupExtended source H luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hKronLupErrreal4lupError in extended source H luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hKronJkyreal4janskyExtended source H calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hKronJkyErrreal4janksyError in extended source H calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
hHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in H band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
hAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source H aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperLupNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4lupDefault extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup3 tooltipreal4lupDefault point source H aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup3Errreal4lupError in default point/extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperJkyNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault point source H aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky3Errreal4janskyError in default point/extended source H (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag4real4magPoint source H aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperLupNoAperCorr4real4lupExtended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup4real4lupPoint source H aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup4Errreal4lupError in point/extended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperJkyNoAperCorr4real4janskyExtended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky4real4janskyPoint source H aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky4Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source H (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag6real4magPoint source H aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
hAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperLupNoAperCorr6real4lupExtended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup6real4lupPoint source H aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
hAperLup6Errreal4lupError in point/extended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
hAperJkyNoAperCorr6real4janskyExtended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky6real4janskyPoint source H aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
hAperJky6Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source H (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
hGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in H-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
hEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in H-0.9999995e9src.ellipticty
hPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in H-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
hErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in H-99999999meta.code
hAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) H-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
hClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in H-9999src.class
hClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in H-0.9999995e9stat
hppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in H0meta.code
hIsMeastinyint1 Is pass band H measured? 0 no, 1 yes0meta.code
ksMjdfloat8daysModified Julian Day in Ks band-0.9999995e9time.epoch
ksPetroMagreal4magExtended source Ks magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksPetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Ks magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksPetroLupreal4lupExtended source Ks luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksPetroLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Ks luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksPetroJkyreal4janskyExtended source Ks calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksPetroJkyErrreal4janskyError in extended source Ks calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksKronMagreal4magExtended source Ks magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksKronMagErrreal4magError in extended source Ks magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksKronLupreal4lupExtended source Ks luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksKronLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Ks luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksKronJkyreal4janskyExtended source Ks calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksKronJkyErrreal4janksyError in extended source Ks calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksHlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Ks band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
ksAperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Ks aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperLupNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4lupDefault extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup3 tooltipreal4lupDefault point source Ks aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup3Errreal4lupError in default point/extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperJkyNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault point source Ks aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky3Errreal4janskyError in default point/extended source Ks (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag4real4magPoint source Ks aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperLupNoAperCorr4real4lupExtended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup4real4lupPoint source Ks aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup4Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperJkyNoAperCorr4real4janskyExtended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky4real4janskyPoint source Ks aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky4Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Ks (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag6real4magPoint source Ks aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
ksAperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperLupNoAperCorr6real4lupExtended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup6real4lupPoint source Ks aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
ksAperLup6Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksAperJkyNoAperCorr6real4janskyExtended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky6real4janskyPoint source Ks aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
ksAperJky6Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Ks (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
ksGausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Ks-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
ksEllreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Ks-0.9999995e9src.ellipticty
ksPAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Ks-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
ksErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Ks-99999999meta.code
ksAverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Ks-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
ksClasssmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Ks-9999src.class
ksClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Ks-0.9999995e9stat
ksppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Ks0meta.code
ksIsMeastinyint1 Is pass band Ks measured? 0 no, 1 yes0meta.code
nb118Mjdfloat8daysModified Julian Day in Nb118 band-0.9999995e9time.epoch
nb118PetroMagreal4magExtended source Nb118 magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118PetroMagErrreal4magError in extended source Nb118 magnitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118PetroLupreal4lupExtended source Nb118 luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118PetroLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Nb118 luptitude (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118PetroJkyreal4janskyExtended source Nb118 calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118PetroJkyErrreal4janskyError in extended source Nb118 calibrated flux (Petrosian)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118KronMagreal4magExtended source Nb118 magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118KronMagErrreal4magError in extended source Nb118 magnitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118KronLupreal4lupExtended source Nb118 luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118KronLupErrreal4lupError in extended source Nb118 luptitude (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118KronJkyreal4janskyExtended source Nb118 calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118KronJkyErrreal4janksyError in extended source Nb118 calibrated flux (Kron)-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118HlCorSMjRadAsreal4arcsecSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Nb118 band-0.9999995e9phys.angSize
nb118AperMagNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4magDefault extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag3 tooltipreal4magDefault point source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag3Errreal4magError in default point/extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperLupNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4lupDefault extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup3 tooltipreal4lupDefault point source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup3Errreal4lupError in default point/extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperJkyNoAperCorr3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky3 tooltipreal4janskyDefault point source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky3Errreal4janskyError in default point/extended source Nb118 (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperMagNoAperCorr4real4magExtended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag4real4magPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag4Errreal4magError in point/extended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperLupNoAperCorr4real4lupExtended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup4real4lupPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup4Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperJkyNoAperCorr4real4janskyExtended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky4real4janskyPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky4Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Nb118 (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperMagNoAperCorr6real4magExtended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag6real4magPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)-0.9999995e9phot.mag
nb118AperMag6Errreal4magError in point/extended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) magnitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperLupNoAperCorr6real4lupExtended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup6real4lupPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9phot.lup
nb118AperLup6Errreal4lupError in point/extended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) luptitude-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118AperJkyNoAperCorr6real4janskyExtended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter, but no aperture correction applied) aperture calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky6real4janskyPoint source Nb118 aperture corrected (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9phot.flux
nb118AperJky6Errreal4janskyError in point/extended source Nb118 (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) calibrated flux-0.9999995e9stat.error
nb118Gausigreal4pixelsRMS of axes of ellipse fit in Nb118-0.9999995e9src.morph.param
nb118Ellreal4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in Nb118-0.9999995e9src.ellipticty
nb118PAreal4Degreesellipse fit celestial orientation in Nb118-0.9999995e9pos.posAng
nb118ErrBits link to glossaryint4 processing warning/error bitwise flags in Nb118-99999999meta.code
nb118AverageConfreal4 average confidence in 2 arcsec diameter default aperture (aper3) Nb118-0.9999995e9stat.likelihood;em.IR.NIR
nb118Classsmallint2 discrete image classification flag in Nb118-9999src.class
nb118ClassStatreal4 N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in Nb118-0.9999995e9stat
nb118ppErrBits link to glossaryint4 additional WFAU post-processing error bits in Nb1180meta.code
nb118IsMeastinyint1 Is pass band Nb118 measured? 0 no, 1 yes0meta.code
Total length1325