TABLE  spectra

The SPECTRA table holds all the observational and redshift related data.

Parameters are recorded for both the V and R frames (with a lot of
the values being the same for both frames), redshift information is
derived from a combined VR frame. Objects can be observed more than once.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (specid)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
SPECIDbigint8 unique ID no., used to generate GIF image of spectrum  
TARGETIDbigint8 ID no. in Target table  
TARGETNAMEvarchar32 matching name in target table, used to name FITS files and generate thumbnail images  
OBSRAfloat8degreesobserved ra (J2000 degrees)  
OBSDECfloat8degreesobserved dec (J2000 degrees)  
MATCH_DRfloat8arcsecposition match error (arcsec)  
HTMIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (20-deep), mainly useful internally for indexing on position  
CXfloat8 Cartesian x of unit vector on celestial sphere  
CYfloat8 Cartesian y of unit vector on celestial sphere  
CZfloat8 Cartesian z of unit vector on celestial sphere  
Z_ORIGINchar1 redshift from C=combined V or R frame  
Zreal4 raw measured redshift  
Z_HELIOreal4 heliocentric redshift  
QUALITYint4 redshift measurement quality: 4=good 1=bad (6=star)  
ABEMMAint4 redshift type: abs=1,emi=2,man=3  
NMBESTint4 emission lines for emission z  
NGOODint4 number of good emission lines  
Z_EMIreal4 emission redshift  
Q_Z_EMIint4 emission redshift quality  
KBESTRint4 cross-correlation template  
R_CRCORreal4 cross-correlation peak  
Z_ABSreal4 cross-correlation redshift  
Q_Z_ABSint4 cross-correlation quality  
Q_FINALint4 suggested quality for redshift  
IALTERint4 IALTER=1 if automatic z altered  
Z_COMMvarchar29 observer's comment  
ZEMIBESTERRreal4 error on the selected emission line redshift, 0.0 if not measured  
ZABSBESTERRreal4 error on the selected absorption line redshift, 0.0 if not measured  
ZFINALERRreal4 error on final quoted redshift, 0.0 if not measured  
TITLE_Vvarchar32 eg 1325m243p2.sds observation title  
CENRA_Vfloat8radiansRA of field centre  
CENDEC_Vfloat8radiansDEC of field centre  
APPRA_Vfloat8radiansapparent RA of field centre  
APPDEC_Vfloat8radiansapparent DEC of field centre  
ACTMJD_Vfloat8Julian daysthe time the field was actually configured  
CONMJD_Vfloat8Julian daystime which was specified when configure was run  
PROGID_Vvarchar32 programme ID in V frame  
LABEL_Vvarchar32 label in V frame  
OBSID_Vvarchar32 obsid in V frame  
RUN_Vint4 V run number  
EXP_Vreal4secondsV reference frame exposure time seconds  
NCOMB_Vsmallint2 number of V frames combined  
GRATID_Vvarchar14 grating ID in V frame  
GRATSET_Vreal4 V grating micrometer setting  
GRATSLOT_Vchar1 V grating slot ID  
GRATBLAZ_Vvarchar10 V blaze direction  
SOURCE_Vvarchar10 V source plate  
FOCUS_Vreal4 V frame spectrograph focus value  
TFOCUS_Vreal4 V frame telescope focus value  
GAIN_Vreal4 V gain  
NOISE_vreal4 V readout noise  
CCD_Vvarchar12 V CCD name  
UTDATE_Vdatetime8MM-DD-YYYYUT date in V frame  
UTSTRT_Vvarchar15HH-MM-SSUT start time of V reference frame  
MJDOBS_Vfloat8Julian daysMJD of observation  
NAME_Vvarchar32 name of object in V frame  
THPUT_Vreal4 V thruput of fibre  
RA_Vfloat8degreesobserved ra (J2000 degrees)  
DEC_Vfloat8degreesobserved dec (J2000 degrees)  
X_Vint4 x position of object from V frame  
Y_Vint4 y position of object from V frame  
XERR_Vint4 error on X_V position  
YERR_Vint4 error on Y_V position  
THETA_Vfloat8degreesfibre angle V frame  
FIBRE_Vsmallint2 fibre number (row on CCD)  
PIVOT_Vsmallint2 V pivot number  
RECMAG_Vreal4magmagnitude read from V frame  
PID_Vint4 PID number read from V frame  
TITLE_Rvarchar32 eg 1325m243p2.sds observation title  
CENRA_Rfloat8radiansRA of field centre  
CENDEC_Rfloat8radiansDEC of field centre  
APPRA_Rfloat8radiansapparent RA of field centre  
APPDEC_Rfloat8radiansapparent DEC of field centre  
ACTMJD_Rfloat8Julian daysthe time the field was actually configured  
CONMJD_Rfloat8Julian daystime which was specified when configure was run  
PROGID_Rvarchar32 programme ID in R frame  
LABEL_Rvarchar32 label in R frame  
OBSID_Rvarchar32 obsid in R frame  
RUN_Rint4 R run number  
EXP_Rreal4secondsR reference frame exposure time seconds  
NCOMB_Rsmallint2 number of R frames combined  
GRATID_Rvarchar14 grating ID in R frame  
GRATSET_Rreal4 R grating micrometer setting  
GRATSLOT_Rchar1 R grating slot ID  
GRATBLAZ_Rvarchar10 R blaze direction  
SOURCE_Rvarchar10 R source plate  
FOCUS_Rreal4 R frame spectrograph focus value  
GAIN_Rreal4 R gain  
NOISE_Rreal4 R readout noise  
CCD_Rvarchar12 R CCD name  
UTDATE_Rdatetime8MM-DD-YYYYUT date in R frame  
UTSTRT_Rvarchar15HH-MM-SSUT start time of R reference frame  
MJDOBS_Rfloat8Julian daysMJD of observation  
NAME_Rvarchar32 name of object in R frame  
THPUT_Rreal4 R thruput of fibre  
RA_Rfloat8degreesobserved ra (J2000 degrees)  
DEC_Rfloat8degreesobserved dec (J2000 degrees)  
X_Rint4 x position of object from R frame  
Y_Rint4 y position of object from R frame  
XERR_Rint4 error on X_R position  
YERR_Rint4 error on Y_R position  
THETA_Rfloat8degreesfibre angle R frame  
FIBRE_Rsmallint2 fibre number (row on CCD)  
PIVOT_Rsmallint2 R pivot number  
RECMAG_Rreal4magmagnitude read from R frame  
PID_Rint4 PID number read from R frame  
Total length942