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The GPS and UDS are not publically accessible in UKIDSSDR5plus. Users wishing to access GPS/UDS data should use the DR4plus database.

CrossID form

This form allows you to upload a file of coordinates and cross match the positions with object table(s) in the WSA. Notes on using this form can be found on crossID notes. The supplied file should contain the J2000 RA/Dec coordinates of your objects (one object per line) in decimal degrees or sexagesimal. Values in the file should be separated by spaces or commas, for example the following lines will be parsed correctly
117.000, -25.444
118.123 23.34
11 12 13.4 -30 20 10.0

WSA database :   
UKIDSS survey:  
constraints/where: SQL where clause to refine search
attributes to select: Info on defaults
pairing radius (arcsec) maximum 300 arcsec
pairing option:  
file of coordinates: maximum: 50,000 coordinates radius < 5 arsec or 5,000 radius >= 5 arcsec

(ensure one of the file formats is selected below if you want to save/download your results)

Email Address: the results of long running queries will be sent by email.
Data Format:
HTML table summary (results are NOT saved to file)
ASCII FILE (downloadable with HTML table summary on-screen)
FITS FILE (downloadable with HTML table summary on-screen)
VOTable FILE (downloadable with HTML table summary on-screen)
  (The number of rows written to the downloadable files is subject to an upper limit, see data access)
File Compression:
(none) GZIP
HTML rows:
Number of rows written to HTML table summary (maximum 100)

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
Tel +44 131 668 8356 (office)
or +44 131 668 8100 (switchboard)