
Database schema file for VVV (VVV) catalogue data in the VISTA Science Archive. Contains SQL scripts to create the relevant tables.
vvvAstrometricInfo Contains astrometric information that will be used by BestMatch
vvvDetection Contains the individual VVV source detections for each frame.
vvvListRemeasurement Contains the individual source remeasurements from VVV Multiframe sets.
vvvMergeLog Contains frame set details of merged VVV MultiframeDetector images.
vvvSource Contains merged sources from detections in vvvDetection.
vvvSourceRemeasurement Contains source remeasurements based on the merged source list for the VVV.
vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch Links each unique source to the best set of possible detections.
vvvSourceXSynopticSourceBestMatch Links each unique source to the best set of possible detections.
vvvSynopticMergeLog Contains details of the merged MultiframeDetector images for the VVV.
vvvSynopticSource Contains VVV merged sources from VVV detections in vvvDetection.
vvvTilePawPrints Contains tile<->paw-print paired detections from vvvDetection.
vvvTileSet Contains tile set details for VVV Multiframe paw-print images.
vvvVarFrameSetInfo Contains fitting information for each frameSet.
vvvVariability Contains statistical analysis of VVV primary sources.
Latest Revision:8601, 2011-08-17 14:20:56 (Wed, 17 Aug 2011)