TABLE  SExtractorInputParams

Contains details of Sextractor input parameters.

This table contains details of all the Sextractor input parameters used
for a particular programme, release and catalogue

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (programmeID,catalogueID,inputParam,isMap)
  • (programmeID) references Programme(programmeID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
programmeIDint4 the unique programme ID
catalogueIDbigint8 UID of the catalogue  
inputParamvarchar32 SExtractor input parameter  
valuevarchar1024 Value of the input parameterNONE 
isMaptinyint1 1 DUAL image catalogue: catalogueID=MapFrameStatus.catalogueID; 0 direct catalogue: catalogueID=Multiframe.multiframeID  
Total length1069