TABLE  StackObjectAttributes

Contains the PSF, Kron (1980), and aperture fluxes for all filters in a single row, along with point-source object shape parameters.

See StackObjectThin
table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (objID,uniquePspsSTid)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
objIDbigint8 Unique object identifier.  
uniquePspsSTidbigint8 Unique internal PSPS stack identifier.  
ippObjIDbigint8 IPP internal object identifier.  
randomStackObjIDfloat8 Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one.  
primaryDetectiontinyint1 Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.255 
bestDetectiontinyint1 Identifies if this row is the best detection.255 
gippDetectIDbigint8 IPP internal detection identifier.  
gstackDetectIDbigint8 Unique stack detection identifier.  
gstackImageIDbigint8 Unique stack identifier for g filter detection.  
gxPosreal4sky pixelsPSF x center location from g filter stack detection.-999 
gyPosreal4sky pixelsPSF y center location from g filter stack detection.-999 
gxPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF x center location from g filter stack detection.-999 
gyPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF y center location from g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfMajorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF major axis FWHM from g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfMinorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF minor axis FWHM from g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfThetareal4degreesPSF major axis orientation from g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfCorereal4 PSF core parameter k from g filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).-999 
gpsfLikelihoodreal4 Likelihood that this g filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.-999 
gpsfQfreal4 PSF coverage factor for g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfQfPerfectreal4 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for g filter stack detection.-999 
gpsfChiSqreal4 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for g filter stack detection.-999 
gmomentXXreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xx for g filter stack detection.-999 
gmomentXYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xy for g filter stack detection.-999 
gmomentYYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_yy for g filter stack detection.-999 
gmomentR1real4arcsecFirst radial moment for g filter stack detection.-999 
gmomentRHreal4arcsec^0.5Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for g filter stack detection.-999 
gPSFFluxreal4JanskysPSF flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gPSFFluxErrreal4JanskysError in PSF flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gApFluxreal4JanskysAperture flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gApFluxErrreal4JanskysError in aperture flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gApFillFacreal4 Aperture fill factor from g filter stack detection.-999 
gApRadiusreal4arcsecAperture radius for g filter stack detection.-999 
gKronFluxreal4JanskysKron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gKronFluxErrreal4JanskysError in Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection.-999 
gKronRadreal4arcsecKron (1980) radius from g filter stack detection.-999 
gexpTimereal4secondsExposure time of the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.-999 
gExtNSigmareal4 An extendedness measure for the g filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.-999 
gskyreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection.-999 
gskyErrreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Error in residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection.-999 
gzpreal4magnitudesPhotometric zeropoint for the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.0 
gPlateScalereal4arcsec/pixelLocal plate scale for the g filter stack.0 
rippDetectIDbigint8 IPP internal detection identifier.  
rstackDetectIDbigint8 Unique stack detection identifier.  
rstackImageIDbigint8 Unique stack identifier for r filter detection.  
rxPosreal4sky pixelsPSF x center location from r filter stack detection.-999 
ryPosreal4sky pixelsPSF y center location from r filter stack detection.-999 
rxPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF x center location from r filter stack detection.-999 
ryPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF y center location from r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfMajorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF major axis FWHM from r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfMinorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF minor axis FWHM from r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfThetareal4degreesPSF major axis orientation from r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfCorereal4 PSF core parameter k from r filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).-999 
rpsfLikelihoodreal4 Likelihood that this r filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.-999 
rpsfQfreal4 PSF coverage factor for r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfQfPerfectreal4 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for r filter stack detection.-999 
rpsfChiSqreal4 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for r filter stack detection.-999 
rmomentXXreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xx for r filter stack detection.-999 
rmomentXYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xy for r filter stack detection.-999 
rmomentYYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_yy for r filter stack detection.-999 
rmomentR1real4arcsecFirst radial moment for r filter stack detection.-999 
rmomentRHreal4arcsec^0.5Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for r filter stack detection.-999 
rPSFFluxreal4JanskysPSF flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rPSFFluxErrreal4JanskysError in PSF flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rApFluxreal4JanskysAperture flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rApFluxErrreal4JanskysError in aperture flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rApFillFacreal4 Aperture fill factor from r filter stack detection.-999 
rApRadiusreal4arcsecAperture radius for r filter stack detection.-999 
rKronFluxreal4JanskysKron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rKronFluxErrreal4JanskysError in Kron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection.-999 
rKronRadreal4arcsecKron (1980) radius from r filter stack detection.-999 
rexpTimereal4secondsExposure time of the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.-999 
rExtNSigmareal4 An extendedness measure for the r filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.-999 
rskyreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection.-999 
rskyErrreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Error in residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection.-999 
rzpreal4magnitudesPhotometric zeropoint for the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.0 
rPlateScalereal4arcsec/pixelLocal plate scale for the r filter stack.0 
iippDetectIDbigint8 IPP internal detection identifier.  
istackDetectIDbigint8 Unique stack detection identifier.  
istackImageIDbigint8 Unique stack identifier for i filter detection.  
ixPosreal4sky pixelsPSF x center location from i filter stack detection.-999 
iyPosreal4sky pixelsPSF y center location from i filter stack detection.-999 
ixPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF x center location from i filter stack detection.-999 
iyPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF y center location from i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfMajorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF major axis FWHM from i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfMinorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF minor axis FWHM from i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfThetareal4degreesPSF major axis orientation from i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfCorereal4 PSF core parameter k from i filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).-999 
ipsfLikelihoodreal4 Likelihood that this i filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.-999 
ipsfQfreal4 PSF coverage factor for i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfQfPerfectreal4 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for i filter stack detection.-999 
ipsfChiSqreal4 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for i filter stack detection.-999 
imomentXXreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xx for i filter stack detection.-999 
imomentXYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xy for i filter stack detection.-999 
imomentYYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_yy for i filter stack detection.-999 
imomentR1real4arcsecFirst radial moment for i filter stack detection.-999 
imomentRHreal4arcsec^0.5Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for i filter stack detection.-999 
iPSFFluxreal4JanskysPSF flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iPSFFluxErrreal4JanskysError in PSF flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iApFluxreal4JanskysAperture flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iApFluxErrreal4JanskysError in aperture flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iApFillFacreal4 Aperture fill factor from i filter stack detection.-999 
iApRadiusreal4arcsecAperture radius for i filter stack detection.-999 
iKronFluxreal4JanskysKron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iKronFluxErrreal4JanskysError in Kron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection.-999 
iKronRadreal4arcsecKron (1980) radius from i filter stack detection.-999 
iexpTimereal4secondsExposure time of the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.-999 
iExtNSigmareal4 An extendedness measure for the i filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.-999 
iskyreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection.-999 
iskyErrreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Error in residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection.-999 
izpreal4magnitudesPhotometric zeropoint for the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.0 
iPlateScalereal4arcsec/pixelLocal plate scale for the i filter stack.0 
zippDetectIDbigint8 IPP internal detection identifier.  
zstackDetectIDbigint8 Unique stack detection identifier.  
zstackImageIDbigint8 Unique stack identifier for z filter detection.  
zxPosreal4sky pixelsPSF x center location from z filter stack detection.-999 
zyPosreal4sky pixelsPSF y center location from z filter stack detection.-999 
zxPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF x center location from z filter stack detection.-999 
zyPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF y center location from z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfMajorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF major axis FWHM from z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfMinorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF minor axis FWHM from z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfThetareal4degreesPSF major axis orientation from z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfCorereal4 PSF core parameter k from z filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).-999 
zpsfLikelihoodreal4 Likelihood that this z filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.-999 
zpsfQfreal4 PSF coverage factor for z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfQfPerfectreal4 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for z filter stack detection.-999 
zpsfChiSqreal4 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for z filter stack detection.-999 
zmomentXXreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xx for z filter stack detection.-999 
zmomentXYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xy for z filter stack detection.-999 
zmomentYYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_yy for z filter stack detection.-999 
zmomentR1real4arcsecFirst radial moment for z filter stack detection.-999 
zmomentRHreal4arcsec^0.5Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for z filter stack detection.-999 
zPSFFluxreal4JanskysPSF flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zPSFFluxErrreal4JanskysError in PSF flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zApFluxreal4JanskysAperture flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zApFluxErrreal4JanskysError in aperture flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zApFillFacreal4 Aperture fill factor from z filter stack detection.-999 
zApRadiusreal4arcsecAperture radius for z filter stack detection.-999 
zKronFluxreal4JanskysKron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zKronFluxErrreal4JanskysError in Kron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection.-999 
zKronRadreal4arcsecKron (1980) radius from z filter stack detection.-999 
zexpTimereal4secondsExposure time of the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.-999 
zExtNSigmareal4 An extendedness measure for the z filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.-999 
zskyreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection.-999 
zskyErrreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Error in residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection.-999 
zzpreal4magnitudesPhotometric zeropoint for the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.0 
zPlateScalereal4arcsec/pixelLocal plate scale for the z filter stack.0 
yippDetectIDbigint8 IPP internal detection identifier.  
ystackDetectIDbigint8 Unique stack detection identifier.  
ystackImageIDbigint8 Unique stack identifier for y filter detection.  
yxPosreal4sky pixelsPSF x center location from y filter stack detection.-999 
yyPosreal4sky pixelsPSF y center location from y filter stack detection.-999 
yxPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF x center location from y filter stack detection.-999 
yyPosErrreal4sky pixelsError in PSF y center location from y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfMajorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF major axis FWHM from y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfMinorFWHMreal4arcsecPSF minor axis FWHM from y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfThetareal4degreesPSF major axis orientation from y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfCorereal4 PSF core parameter k from y filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).-999 
ypsfLikelihoodreal4 Likelihood that this y filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.-999 
ypsfQfreal4 PSF coverage factor for y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfQfPerfectreal4 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for y filter stack detection.-999 
ypsfChiSqreal4 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for y filter stack detection.-999 
ymomentXXreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xx for y filter stack detection.-999 
ymomentXYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_xy for y filter stack detection.-999 
ymomentYYreal4arcsec^2Second moment M_yy for y filter stack detection.-999 
ymomentR1real4arcsecFirst radial moment for y filter stack detection.-999 
ymomentRHreal4arcsec^0.5Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for y filter stack detection.-999 
yPSFFluxreal4JanskysPSF flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yPSFFluxErrreal4JanskysError in PSF flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yApFluxreal4JanskysAperture flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yApFluxErrreal4JanskysError in aperture flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yApFillFacreal4 Aperture fill factor from y filter stack detection.-999 
yApRadiusreal4arcsecAperture radius for y filter stack detection.-999 
yKronFluxreal4JanskysKron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yKronFluxErrreal4JanskysError in Kron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection.-999 
yKronRadreal4arcsecKron (1980) radius from y filter stack detection.-999 
yexpTimereal4secondsExposure time of the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.-999 
yExtNSigmareal4 An extendedness measure for the y filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.-999 
yskyreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection.-999 
yskyErrreal4Janskys/arcsec^2Error in residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection.-999 
yzpreal4magnitudesPhotometric zeropoint for the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.0 
yPlateScalereal4arcsec/pixelLocal plate scale for the y filter stack.0 
Total length794