TABLE  machoLMCSource

Contains the parameters provided in the MACHO Lightcurve Statistical Summary Table for each source in the LMC fields.

This table contains brief descriptions of the parameters provided for
each source in the catalogue of the LMC fields from MACHO. The table
contains comprehensive summary statistics that are provided for each
star's complete lightcurve, for each MACHO field in the LMC.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (seqNum)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
idvarchar24 MACHO star identification (field.tile.seq)  
seqNumint4 Sequential number (unique object ID)  
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
rafloat8degreesJ2000 right ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8degreesJ2000 declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main
npointssmallint2 number of observations on the MACHO tile containing this star  
rNsmallint2 red: number of good points on Lightcurve (LC)  
rmagavereal4 red: median magnitude of LC in instrumental units  
rerravereal4 red: average error of measurements on LC in units of A, where A is the the measured flux divided by the median flux.  
rsigreal4 red: sqrt of variance of A-1 measurements over LC.  
rchi2wreal4 red: chi^2 per degree of freedom of fit to "constant flux" hypothesis weighted by flux errors  
rqwreal4 red: probability of getting value as large as rchi2w by chance  
rNrsmallint2 red: number of points on robustified LC  
rerraverreal4 red: average error on robustified LC  
rchi2rreal4 red: chi^2 per degree of freedom for robustified LC (variable star search)  
rqrreal4 red: probability of getting value as large as rchi2r by chance  
rs5int4 red: number of points on LC 5-sigma above median  
rs5dint4 red: number of points on LC 5-sigma below median (eclipsing binary search)  
rmagaveureal4 red: median magnitude in instrumental units before removing bad points  
rdskyavereal4 red: average of red dsky sodophot measure  
rdskysigreal4 red: sqrt of variance of red dsky sodophot measure  
rpsfavereal4 red: average over LC of sodophot measure of goodness of psf fit  
rpsfsigreal4 red: sqrt of variance of red psf sodophot measure  
rcrdavereal4 red: average of crowding sodophot measure  
rcosmavereal4 red: average of cosmic ray sodophot measure  
rmissavereal4 red: average of missing pixel sodophot measure  
bNsmallint2 blue: number of good points on Lightcurve (LC)  
bmagavereal4 blue: median magnitude of LC in instrumental units  
berravereal4 blue: average error of measurements on LC in units of A, where A is the the measured flux divided by the median flux.  
bsigreal4 blue: sqrt of variance of A-1 measurements over LC.  
bchi2wreal4 blue: chi^2 per degree of freedom of fit to "constant flux" hypothesis weighted by flux errors  
bqwreal4 blue: probability of getting value as large as rchi2w by chance  
bNrint4 blue: number of points on robustified LC  
berraverreal4 blue: average error on robustified LC  
bchi2rreal4 blue: chi^2 per degree of freedom for robustified LC (variable star search)  
bqrreal4 blue: probability of getting value as large as rchi2r by chance  
bs5int4 blue: number of points on LC 5-sigma above median  
bs5dint4 blue: number of points on LC 5-sigma below median (eclipsing binary search)  
bmagaveureal4 blue: median magnitude in instrumental units before removing bad points  
bdskyavereal4 blue: average of blue dsky sodophot measure  
bdskysigreal4 blue: sqrt of variance of blue dsky sodophot measure  
bpsfavereal4 blue: average over LC of sodophot measure of goodness of psf fit  
bpsfsigreal4 blue: sqrt of variance of blue psf sodophot measure  
bcrdavereal4 blue: average of crowding sodophot measure  
bcosmavereal4 blue: average of cosmic ray sodophot measure  
bmissavereal4 blue: average of missing pixel sodophot measure  
bmrNsmallint2 number of points on the B-R LC [aka simultaneous R/B pts]  
bmrsigreal4 sqrt of variance of B-R LC  
bmrchi2wreal4 chi^2 per degree of freedom for B-R LC  
bmravereal4 average of B-R  
bmrprobspearreal4 B-R ?  
rbcrossreal4 red/blue A-1 robustified measurements over LC cross correlation coefficient [Welch-Stetson; see AJ 105, 1813]  
rautoreal4 red: A-1 robustified measurements over LC autocorrelation (lag=0) coefficient  
bautoreal4 blue: A-1 robustified measurements over LC autocorrelation (lag=0) coefficient  
filterNsmallint2 number of filters applied; always 3  
filter1_rfilmaxreal4 Filter 1, red: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter1_rfiltimereal4 Filter 1, red: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter1_rNhismallint2 Filter 1, red: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (rfiltime)  
filter1_bfilmaxreal4 Filter 1, blue: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter1_bfiltimereal4 Filter 1, blue: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter1_bNhismallint2 Filter 1, blue: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (bfiltime)  
filter2_rfilmaxreal4 Filter 2, red: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter2_rfiltimereal4 Filter 2, red: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter2_rNhismallint2 Filter 2, red: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (rfiltime)  
filter2_bfilmaxreal4 Filter 2, blue: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter2_bfiltimereal4 Filter 2, blue: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter2_bNhismallint2 Filter 2, blue: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (bfiltime)  
filter3_rfilmaxreal4 Filter 3, red: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter3_rfiltimereal4 Filter 3, red: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter3_rNhismallint2 Filter 3, red: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (rfiltime)  
filter3_bfilmaxreal4 Filter 3, blue: max value of optimum filter for LC  
filter3_bfiltimereal4 Filter 3, blue: LC time at which maximum occurred  
filter3_bNhismallint2 Filter 3, blue: number points sigmathreshold high within duration of filter at peak (bfiltime)  
Total length324