TABLE  glimpse2_mca

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the GLIMPSEII More Complete Archive.

This table contains brief descriptions of the parameters provided for
each source in the GLIMPSEII More Complete Archive (Version 2.0 Data
Release, April 2008). The table is organized according to the broad
function and utility of the parameters: positional information and
detection information.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (seqNo)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
srcNamevarchar32 GLIMPSEI Highly Reliable Catalogue source name;meta.main
seqNoint4 sequential object number in the HRC
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
tmassNamevarchar32 Source name from 2MASS All-Sky point source catalog (PSC);meta.main
tmassIDint4 Unique identification number for the 2MASS source from the 2MASS All-Sky PSC  
lfloat8degreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8degreesGalactic latitude
l_errfloat8arcsecError in Galactic longitude stat.error
b_errfloat8arcsecError in Galactic latitude stat.error
rafloat8degreesRight Ascension (J2000) pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8degreesDeclination (J2000) pos.eq.dec;meta.main
ra_errfloat8arcsecError in Right Ascension stat.error
dec_errfloat8arcsecError in Declination stat.error
confsmallint2 Close source flag-9meta.code
magJreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band magnitude99.999 
magJ_errreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error99.999 
magHreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band magnitude99.999 
magH_errreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error99.999 
magKreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band magnitude99.999 
magKs_errreal4mag2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error99.999 
mag3_6real4mag3.6um IRAC (Band 1) magnitude99.999 
mag3_6_errreal4mag3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error99.999 
mag4_5real4mag4.5um IRAC (Band 2) magnitude99.999 
mag4_5_errreal4mag4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error99.999 
mag5_8real4mag5.8um IRAC (Band 3) magnitude99.999 
mag5_8_errreal4mag5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error99.999 
mag8_0real4mag8.0um IRAC (Band 4) magnitude99.999 
mag8_0_errreal4mag8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error99.999 
FJreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band flux-999.9 
FJ_errreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error-999.9 
FHreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band flux-999.9 
FH_errreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error-999.9 
FKsreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band flux-999.9 
FKs_errreal4mJy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error-999.9 
F3_6real4mJy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) flux-999.9 
F3_6_errreal4mJy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error-999.9 
F4_5real4mJy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) flux-999.9 
F4_5_errreal4mJy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error-999.9 
F5_8real4mJy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) flux-999.9 
F5_8_errreal4mJy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error-999.9 
F8_0real4mJy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) flux-999.9 
F8_0_errreal4mJy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error-999.9 
F3_6_rmsreal4mJyRMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-999.9 
F4_5_rmsreal4mJyRMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-999.9 
F5_8_rmsreal4mJyRMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-999.9 
F8_0_rmsreal4mJyRMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-999.9 
sky3_6real4MJy/srLocal sky background for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-999.9 
sky4_5real4MJy/srLocal sky background for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-999.9 
sky5_8real4MJy/srLocal sky background for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-999.9 
sky8_0real4MJy/srLocal sky background for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-999.9 
SNJreal4 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band Signal/Noise-9.99 
SNHreal4 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band Signal/Noise-9.99 
SNKsreal4 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band Signal/Noise-9.99 
SN3_6real4 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) Signal/Noise-9.99 
SN4_5real4 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) Signal/Noise-9.99 
SN5_8real4 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) Signal/Noise-9.99 
SN8_0real4 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) Signal/Noise-9.99 
srcdens3_6real4arcmin**-2Local source density for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-9.9 
srcdens4_5real4arcmin**-2Local source density for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-9.9 
srcdens5_8real4arcmin**-2Local source density for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-9.9 
srcdens8_0real4arcmin**-2Local source density for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-9.9 
M3_6int4 Number of detections for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-9 
M4_5int4 Number of detections for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-9 
M5_8int4 Number of detections for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-9 
M8_0int4 Number of detections for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-9 
N3_6int4 Number of possible detections for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-9 
N4_5int4 Number of possible detections for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-9 
N5_8int4 Number of possible detections for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-9 
N8_0int4 Number of possible detections for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-9 
SQFJint4 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band Source Quality Flag-9 
SQFHint4 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band Source Quality Flag-9 
SQFKsint4 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band Source Quality Flag-9 
SQF3_6int4 Source Quality Flag for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-9 
SQF4_5int4 Source Quality Flag for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-9 
SQF5_8int4 Source Quality Flag for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-9 
SQF8_0int4 Source Quality Flag for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-9 
MF3_6int4 Flux calculation method flag 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)-9 
MF4_5int4 Flux calculation method flag 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)-9 
MF5_8int4 Flux calculation method flag 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)-9 
MF8_0int4 Flux calculation method flag 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)-9 
Total length434