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Description of the SPECTRA table

The SPECTRA table holds all the observational and redshift related data. Parameters are recorded for both the V and R frames (with a lot of the values being the same for both frames), redshift information is derived from a combined VR frame. Objects can be observed more than once.

SPECID bigint unique ID no., used to generate GIF image of spectrum
TARGETID bigint ID no. in Target table
TARGETNAME varchar(32) matching name in target table, used to name FITS files and generate thumbnail images
OBSRA float observed ra (J2000 degrees)
OBSDEC float observed dec (J2000 degrees)
MATCH_DR float position match error (arcsec)
HTMID bigint Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (20-deep), mainly useful internally for indexing on position
CX float Cartesian x of unit vector on celestial sphere
CY float Cartesian y of unit vector on celestial sphere
CZ float Cartesian z of unit vector on celestial sphere
Z_ORIGIN char(1) redshift from C=combined V or R frame
Z real raw measured redshift,(corrected for template offsets and slit vane shift)
Z_HELIO real heliocentric redshift (corrected for heliocentric motion, template offsets and slit vane shift)
QUALITY int redshift measurement quality: 4=good 1=bad (6=star)
ABEMMA int redshift type: abs=1,emi=2,man=3
NMBEST int emission lines for emission z
NGOOD int number of good emission lines
Z_EMI real emission redshift (un-corrected)
Q_Z_EMI int emission redshift quality
KBESTR int cross-correlation template
R_CRCOR real cross-correlation peak
Z_ABS real cross-correlation redshift(un-corrected)
Q_Z_ABS int cross-correlation quality
Q_FINAL int suggested quality for redshift
IALTER int IALTER=1 if automatic z altered
Z_COMM varchar(29) redshifter's comment
ZEMIBESTERR realerrror on the selected emission line redshift, 0.0 if not measured
ZABSBESTERRrealerror on the selected absorption line redshift, 0.0 if not measured
ZFINALERRrealerror on final quoted redshift, 0.0 if not measured
TITLE_V varchar(32) eg 1325m243p2.sds observation title
CENRA_V float RA of field centre
CENDEC_V float DEC of field centre
APPRA_V float apparent RA of field centre
APPDEC_V float apparent DEC of field centre
ACTMJD_V float the time the field was actually configured
CONMJD_V float time which was specified when configure was run
PROGID_V varchar(32) programme ID in V frame
LABEL_V varchar(32) label in V frame
OBSID_V varchar(32) obsid in V frame
RUN_V int V run number
EXP_Vreal V reference frame exposure time seconds
NCOMB_V smallint number of V frames combined
GRATID_V varchar(14) grating ID in V frame
GRATSET_Vreal V grating micrometer setting
GRATSLOT_V char(1) V grating slot ID
GRATBLAZ_V varchar(10) V blaze direction
SOURCE_V varchar(10) V source plate
FOCUS_V real V frame spectrograph focus value
TFOCUS_V real V frame telescope focus value
GAIN_Vreal V gain
NOISE_vreal V readout noise
CCD_V varchar(12) V CCD name
UTDATE_V datetime UT date in V frame
UTSTRT_V varchar(15) UT start time of V reference frame
MJDOBS_V float MJD of observation
NAME_V varchar(32) name of object in V frame
THPUT_Vreal V thruput of fibre
RA_V float observed ra (J2000 degrees)
DEC_V float observed dec (J2000 degrees)
X_V int x position of object from V frame
Y_V int y position of object from V frame
XERR_V int error on X_V position
YERR_V int error on Y_V position
THETA_V float fibre angle V frame
FIBRE_V smallint fibre number (row on CCD)
PIVOT_V smallint V pivot number
RECMAG_V real magnitude read from V frame
PID_V int PID number read from V frame
TITLE_R varchar(32) eg 1325m243p2.sds observation title
CENRA_R float RA of field centre
CENDEC_R float DEC of field centre
APPRA_R float apparent RA of field centre
APPDEC_R float apparent DEC of field centre
ACTMJD_R float the time the field was actually configured
CONMJD_R float time which was specified when configure was run
PROGID_R varchar(32) programme ID in R frame
LABEL_R varchar(32) label in R frame
OBSID_R varchar(32) obsid in R frame
RUN_R int R run number
EXP_Rreal R reference frame exposure time seconds
NCOMB_R smallint number of R frames combined
GRATID_R varchar(14) grating ID in R frame
GRATSET_Rreal R grating micrometer setting
GRATSLOT_R char(1) R grating slot ID
GRATBLAZ_R varchar(10) R blaze direction
SOURCE_R varchar(10) R source plate
FOCUS_R real R frame spectrograph focus value
GAIN_Rreal R gain
NOISE_Rreal R readout noise
CCD_R varchar(12) R CCD name
UTDATE_R datetime UT date in R frame
UTSTRT_R varchar(15) UT start time of R reference frame
MJDOBS_R float MJD of observation
NAME_R varchar(32) name of object in R frame
THPUT_Rreal R thruput of fibre
RA_R float observed ra (J2000 degrees)
DEC_R float observed dec (J2000 degrees)
X_R int x position of object from R frame
Y_R int y position of object from R frame
XERR_R int error on X_R position
YERR_R int error on Y_R position
THETA_R float fibre angle R frame
FIBRE_R smallint fibre number (row on CCD)
PIVOT_R smallint R pivot number
RECMAG_R real magnitude read from R frame
PID_R int PID number read from R frame
FRAMENAME varchar(20) name of the observed field frame
AXISSTART_V real starting wavelength of the V-frame
AXISEND_V real end wavelength of the V-frame
AXISSTART_R real starting wavelength of the R-frame
AXISEND_R real end wavelength of the R-frame
MATCHSPECID intSPECID of same object observation already ingested (usually = 0, helps flag frames objects that were re-analysed
Z_INITIAL realvalue of attribute Z at initial ingest i.e. before corrections
Z_HELIO_INITIAL realvalue of attribute Z_HELIO at initial ingest i.e. before further corrections
Z_UPDATE_FLAG smallint0 - uncorrected, 1 - slit vane corrected, 2 - template corrected, , 3 - template and slit vane corrected
Z_UPDATE_COMM varchar(64)not currently used
SLIT_VANE_CORR realslit vane redshift correction in km/s
QUALITY_INITIAL intQUALITY value at initial ingest
XTALKFLAG smallint-1 if object is a comtaminator, 0 (default) objects is neither contaminator or contaminated, +N object contaminated by fibre N. Details on cross-talk contamination
XTALKSCORE smallint0 (uncontaminated) to 5 (likely cross-talk)
XTALKVELOFF real velocity offset between contaminated and contaminator objects
XTALKCOMM varchar(64)comment on xTalk
QUALITY_UPDATE_COMM varchar(64)comment on quality change
DEPRECATED smallintflag used to expunge rows prior to release
REVTEMPLATEsmallintcode of template used in redshift revision
REVCOMMENTvarchar(32)comment/origin of redshift revision
PROGIDsmallinthighest priority programme ID of observed object
Z_COMM_INITIALvarchar(29)redshifter's comment prior to revision

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